May found her story kept changing. It was as natural and nurturing as a garden blossoming after planting seeds. New thoughts created different feelings and this made her see her world from a new perspective. That transformed her inner chatter. She didn’t realize the new thoughts were also altering the biochemical messengers bathing her body, but her mind/body communication was in movement and May’s world had more shine. More and more, she saw possibilities in unexpected places.
In the days following her visit to The Maker Space, gratitude became a friend. May was startled when she realized she was grateful for her job doing online billing for dental practices. Her previous belief that it was a necessary drudge keeping her from all the things she really wanted to be doing, had shifted. Now May was glad she had income with totally flexible hours. She recognized keeping herself on a strict work schedule had been a way she avoided her creativity. On this day, May seized the wonderful part of her job. She left her work till later and she walked out her front door with her dog, Zoe, and to enjoy a winter walk.
With a blue sky smiling down on her, May chose to fill herself with appreciation. Each time familiar chatter intruded, she looked into her life and found something else she appreciated. Big things and little things. It didn’t matter! There was so much about her life that had become routine and familiar, May no longer noticed how much they meant to her. She had stopped celebrating what she’d already manifested.
By the time May arrived back home, she felt buoyed by her walk of gratitude. It had been fun looking through those rose-colored glasses. It made sitting down at her computer to start working feel good.
When it comes to igniting changes in our lives, gratitude is so much more than appreciating. It has the power to fill us with on-going happiness. It’s a link between awareness and love. It shines a light on the pieces of our past and present we still want for defining ourselves… and that’s the perfect foundation for seeking more.
Energetically, gratitude is a powerful tool. As May focused on being a collage artist, she was making her future a part of now. And, in appreciating what she wanted, she was making her intention solid. Clearly seeing that experience with her heart full of gratitude would make all the difference.
Check in every Saturday to follow May as she explores the practical, the magical,
and the energy insights for finding the shine in her life ~ Jeanne
Next time: Activating what you want